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CJI Leaders Conduct a Survey on Latin American Market

Latin America is an important market for CJI’s “Going abroad” strategy. Now CJI has a branch company (office) respectively in Trinidad and Tobago of Caribbean Area and Peru of Southern America, of which Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean Area have become the key market to be developed by CJI with priority!

To further expand international engineering contracting market, accelerate transformation and upgrading of its business development mode, G. Manager Xue Lequn of CJI accompanied the Investment & Economic Cooperation Delegation of Jiangsu Provincial Commerce Dept. to survey the engineering contracting markets of Trinidad and Tobago, Bolivia and Brazil from Aug. 22nd to Sep. 2nd, 2016. During its stay in Trinidad and Tobago, the Delegation surveyed the projects undertaken by CJI there, including Trinidad and Tobago University, Western India University, E-Teck Industrial Park, Youth Centre and etc. Besides, accompanied by Manager of Trinidad and Tobago Branch Co. of CJI Mr. Ying Dan, G. Manager Xue and Vice Director of Jiangsu Provincial Commerce Dept. Mr. Zhu Yimin conducted an in-depth survey together on the worksites for the details of the projects, heard the reports from project managers and greeted the workers of CJI working on the projects. G. Manager Xue requested the Branch Co. to carry forward the hardworking spirit, increase efforts in developing the Caribbean market, quicken progress of the projects at hand, continuously enhance the influence of CJI Brand and strive for a breakthrough in competing for the Chinese funded projects, thus to make new contributions to achieving CJI’s goal of “Being first class in China and well-known in the world”.

During the survey, G. Manager Xue paid a visit respectively to the First Secretary of Economic Counselor’s Office in Trinidad and Tobago Mr. Tang Yanli, the Economic Counselor of China to Bolivia Mr. Yao Ming and Economic & Commercial Counselor of China to St. Paul city Mr. Yu Yong. Also, he paid a visit to the Director of Executive Committee of Trinidad and Tobago’s Development Zone, Director of Trading and Investment Promotion Dept. of Brazil, appreciated their assistance to CJI in the past years, and finally hoped them to render concern and support to the development of CJI as always. Besides, G. Manager Xue held a colloquia with Bolivia Branch Co. of Jiangsu Geological Engineering Corp., Brazil Branch Co. of Xuzhou Engineering Machinery Group Corp. as well as Nari Electrical Co. to learn from their experience in developing the local markets, and in addition concluded with them a framework agreement for jointly exploring the engineering contracting market in Latin America.