CJI Successfully Undertakes the Logistics and Warehousing Development Project of Port Lae in Papua New Guinea
In July 6th to 10th 2016, the Premier of Papua New Guinea Mr. O’Neill paid a visit to China. During the visit, the Chinese government and the government of Papua New Guinea concluded an outline concessional loan agreement for the logistics & warehousing development project of Port Lae in Papua New Guinea. Meantime, the Imp. & Exp. Bank of China signed an agreement with the Ministry of Treasury of Papua New Guinea for a concessional loan of RMB 772 millions for the project, and CJI was authorized to implement the project.
On July 7th, the Premier met with Chairman Peng of CJI and exchanged views with each other about CJI’s achievements in economic cooperation with Papua New Guinea as well as the prospective for future cooperation between the two parties. Mr. O’Neill gave a high praise for CJI’s performance in Papua New Guinea, and expressed his hope for CJI to make further efforts and invest more projects. Chairman Peng appreciated the Premier for his concern and firm support, and undertook to execute the project as scheduled with good quality and within the loan budget. Meantime, he expressed a hope to seek further close cooperation with the government of Papua New Guinea, jointly research and develop new projects, thus make greater contribution to the friendship and economic cooperation between the two countries
In the evening that day , Chairman Peng was invited to attend the banquet given by Ambassador of Papua New Guinea to China Mr. Mero for the Premier’s visit to China. At the banquet the Premier Mr. O’Neill made an enthusiastic speech, highly praised the friendship between Papua New Guinea and China, and expressed a welcome for Chinese firms to carry out various economic & technical cooperation in Papua New Guinea.